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There are currently 10 terms in this directory beginning with the letter K.
Kerberos Authentication
Kerberos authentication is a network authentication protocol that provides secure authentication for client-server applications or systems in a distributed computing environment. Kerberos uses cryptographic techniques to authenticate clients and servers, issuing tickets that validate their identities and grant access to specific resources. It ensures the confidentiality and integrity of authentication information, reducing the risk of password-based attacks and unauthorised access to systems or data.

Key Escrow
Key escrow is a process in which a trusted third party, such as a government agency or a designated entity, holds a copy of encryption keys used for secure communications or data protection. Key escrow allows authorized parties to access encrypted data or communications by obtaining the decryption keys from the escrow agent, usually under specific legal or exceptional circumstances. Key escrow is a controversial topic due to concerns about privacy, security, and potential abuse of access to encryption keys.

Key Management
Key management refers to the processes, procedures, and policies involved in generating, storing, distributing, and revoking cryptographic keys used for encryption, decryption, authentication, or digital signatures. Effective key management practices include key generation, secure key storage, key distribution, key rotation, and key revocation. Key management ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of encryption keys and is critical to maintaining the security of cryptographic systems and protecting sensitive data.

Key Management Service
A key management service (KMS) is a centralized system or platform that provides secure key storage, generation, distribution, and management functions for cryptographic keys used in various applications, systems, or services. KMSs offer key lifecycle management, access controls, encryption/decryption capabilities, and integration with other cryptographic services. KMSs simplify the complexities of key management, enhance key security, and facilitate the use of encryption in organisations' systems and applications.

A keylogger, or keystroke logger, is a type of malicious software or hardware device designed to record and monitor keystrokes typed on a computer or mobile device. Keyloggers can capture sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or personal messages, without the user's knowledge or consent. Keyloggers can be used for malicious purposes, such as identity theft, espionage, or unauthorised access. Detecting and removing keyloggers requires robust security measures and regular system scans.

Keystroke Dynamics
Keystroke dynamics, also known as keystroke biometrics or typing biometrics, is a behavioural biometric authentication method that analyses a user's typing patterns, rhythms, or keystroke timing to verify their identity. Keystroke dynamics capture unique patterns in how individuals type on a keyboard, including factors such as key press duration, intervals between keystrokes, and typing speed. By comparing these patterns against enrolled user profiles, keystroke dynamics can authenticate users and detect anomalies that may indicate unauthorised access or fraudulent activity.

Keystroke Injection
Keystroke injection refers to a technique used by certain types of malicious software or hardware devices to simulate or inject keystrokes into a target system or application. By emulating user input, keystroke injection attacks can automate malicious actions, perform unauthorised actions, or bypass security controls. Keystroke injection attacks are often used in combination with social engineering techniques to compromise systems, steal sensitive information, or gain unauthorised access.

Keystroke Logging
Keystroke logging, also known as keylogging, is the process of recording and monitoring keystrokes typed on a computer or mobile device. Keyloggers can be implemented as software or hardware devices and capture all keystrokes, including passwords, usernames, emails, and other sensitive information. Keystroke logging can be used for various purposes, including legitimate monitoring and forensic analysis, but it is also a technique employed by malicious actors to gather sensitive data or engage in unauthorised activities.

Knowledge Graph
A structured representation of knowledge, typically using a graph-based data model, to capture and organize information for AI applications.

Knowledge Representation
The process of structuring and organizing information in a way that can be effectively used by AI systems. Knowledge representation techniques aim to capture and model human knowledge, enabling machines to reason, infer, and make intelligent decisions.